Saving and recalling customizations is easy because all you have to do is right click on the object and then select the copy option. Using the editor while in the editing mode displays a preview picture of a particular change to help make the player aware of any potential problems. Using the preview feature it is possible to see exactly what the changes will look like when they are made. Some of the greatest features of this editor are its ability to detect broken Sims code, support for the VBA, editor support for Sims XML and Sims Packages, being able to preview a scene while in the editing mode, and being able to save and recall all kinds of customizations. By being able to edit the entire software it gives the user much more flexibility than they might think possible. This is an extremely powerful feature of the Sims editor and allows players to fine tune the look and feel of the Sims without having to be stuck in a certain level. This allows users to dive deeply into the deeper levels of the software and edit all of the various aspects of the game as needed. The Sims 4: Package Editor allows users to edit the code that is contained within the actual game file itself. Luckily using the package editor you can easily remove or change any type of object to a more desirable state. Changing or adding any type of item to your game can be time consuming and frustrating. Sims have over 500 object types which include items, buildings, places, people, animals, and much more.

Using the Package Editor you can change or remove any type of object or feature in the game. This will allow you to add, edit, or remove features and objects within your games saved games. The Sims 4: Package Editor will allow you to create, edit, or modify any type of code for your Sims game at anytime.